Application type settings, Table 2-7: application type detailed settings, Application type settings -25 – TeeJet Legacy 6000 CAN Guide User Manual

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Fieldware for the Legacy 6000

Software Version 2.11

Chapter 2 - Getting Started


Product Control Module (PCM) Setup

Application Type Settings

All Application Types have the same setting options when the settings button is pressed, review
(Table 2-7) for a detailed description of the settings.When the Application Type settings and
parameters are selected, press the Forward arrow to advance to the next PCM Setup page




Application Name

A user defined name used to label a particular application (PCM). Users typi-
cally label this the same as the PCM favorite name.


Defines the relationship between the sensor and the product.
Standard Liquid - All material that is recorded by the rate sensor is dis-
charged through the boom.
Standard Granular - Material shaft speed should change as booms are
turned off.
Split - Only used in a granular application. Material shaft speed does not
change as booms are turned off.
Reflow - Only used in a liquid application. Material from a closed boom valve
is recirculated back to the tank or pump.

PCM Link

If more than one PCM is in use the PCM can be linked to one another. This is
used if one product is dependent on the other product for proper application.
When PCM’s are linked and one would fail, both PCM’s would shut down.

Table 2-7: Application Type Detailed Settings