The ignore headland guidance pattern, Figure 4-23: crossing through headlands, Table 4-2: ignore headland pattern quick step – TeeJet Legacy 6000 CAN Guide User Manual

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Fieldware for the Legacy 6000

Software Version 2.11

Chapter 4 - Real-time Operation


Real-time Guidance Operation

The Ignore Headland Guidance Pattern

The Ignore Headland Guidance pattern allows you to apply the headlands and then ignore that
data when applying in the interior of the field. Using this option will improve your ability to be
guided to the start of the next pass, right side of Figure 23. If you do not use the ignore headlands
option you may find that your lightbar attempts to guide you along a headland pass as you drive
through the headlands to get to the next interior pass, left side of Figure 23. Table 4-2 is a quick
guide on how to run north Ignore Headland pattern. A more detailed description can be found fur-
ther on in this chapter.

Figure 4-23: Crossing through Headlands



Select a guidance pattern, typically the Headland pattern.

Press the Headland On softkey and begin applying headlands. Make as many
headland passes as you like. You can boundary map and Mark A and B points
while applying the first pass.

When the last headland pass is completed press the Headland Off softkey.
Next apply the first interior pass using the headland trajectory for guidance.

Once the first interior pass is completed, switch from your current guidance
pattern to the Ignore Headland pattern. Continue to apply the remained of the

Table 4-2: Ignore Headland Pattern Quick Step