TeeJet Legacy 6000 CAN Guide User Manual

Page 104

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Chapter 3 - Real-time Setup
ARM Setup

Fieldware for the Legacy 6000

Software Version 2.11

Enter a Record, Boundary, Guideline, or Map File Name

The file name defaults to the Job name (Figure 3-16) with file extension (.RCD,.BND,.GLN,
or.GMF). If the job name is not used for this file name a new Record file name can be entered
using the arrow keys on the Legacy 6000 console. To use an existing Record file, press the Folder
button. The Folder button brings up a filename dialog from which an existing Record file can be
selected (Figure 3-16). When the desired file has been selected, press the Forward Arrow to return
to the Record File Wizard page. Press the Forward Arrow again to advance to the next wizard

Figure 3-16: The ARM Setup Record File Page

Folder Button