The straight-line guidance pattern, Mark point a, Mark point b – TeeJet Legacy 6000 CAN Guide User Manual

Page 128: Figure 4-16: establishing the initial a-b line, The straight-line guidance pattern -14, Mark point a -14 mark point b -14

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Chapter 4 - Real-time Operation
Real-time Guidance Operation

Fieldware for the Legacy 6000

Software Version 2.11

The Straight-Line Guidance Pattern

This section describes how to run the Straight-Line Guidance pattern. This pattern provides guid-
ance along straight lines based off of an initial A-B reference line. This is the default guidance pat-
tern when real-time operation is first started. The first step is to establish the initial A-B guideline.
This initial baseline is used to calculate all other parallel guidelines.

Mark Point A

To mark the initial point A, begin driving along the first swath path. Typically this would be along a
straight edge of a field boundary. While the vehicle is driving along the initial swath, the lightbar in
displays the MARK A message. This message appears until the guideline point A is established.
To establish the guideline point A, press the Mark A soft-key. When pressed, the Mark A soft-key in
the button column automatically changes to the Mark B button soft-key and the lightbar displays
the MARK B message.

Mark Point B

The next step is to establish guideline point B. To establish guideline point B, press the Mark B
soft-key in the button column. The B point is displayed in the map page. This establishes the initial
swath baseline. When the baseline is established (Figure 4-16), the lightbar begins displaying the
user defined messages that were selected in the setup process.

A new A-B line can be created by pressing the New A-B soft-key and repeating the Mark A Mark B
process described above.

Figure 4-16: Establishing the Initial A-B Line

Guidance Pattern