2 subsequence options – Metrohm 916 Ti-Touch User Manual
Page 411

28 Parameters
916 Ti-Touch
In order to be able to use the subsequences also for other titration sys-
tems, you have to create a backup. You can only restore the subse-
quences from this backup on another system.
File name
File name of the subsequence.
max. 32 characters
Saving the subsequence to the internal memory.
Subsequence options
In this dialog, the settings can be defined which correspond to the entire
Subsequence type
Sample sequence | Start sequence | End
sequence | Stop sequence | Cond. sequence
Default value
Sample sequence
Sample sequence
The subsequence is carried out with every determination.
Start sequence
This subsequence is only carried out at the start of a sample series
when the autostart counter = 1.
End sequence
This subsequence is only carried out at the last sample of a series when
the autostart counter has reached the setpoint value (number of autos-
Stop sequence
The stop sequence is only carried out when canceling a method
because of one of the following cases: Manual stop with [
], stop
because of an error, stop via remote signal.
Cond. sequence
This subsequence is carried out directly before the conditioning. This
gives you the possibility to start e.g. a connected Polytron
quency homogenizer before the conditioning as well as to set its stir-
ring rate. Use the command CONTROL RS for this.
Number of directly consecutive repetitions of the subsequence.