Metrohm 916 Ti-Touch User Manual
Page 280
27.4 Stirring
916 Ti-Touch
The MSB connector and type of stirrer is indicated for each connected stir-
You can control a connected stirrer manually with the function [Stir].
Proceed as follows:
1 Set the stirring rate
Tap on the button [–] or [+].
Each time one of the buttons is tapped, the stirring rate is
reduced or increased by one level.
2 Switch on the stirrer
Tap on [Start].
The stirrer is started.
3 Switch off the stirrer
Tap on [Stop].
The stirrer is stopped.
Parameter description
Stirring rate
Setting the stirring rate. It can be set in steps of –15 to +15. The default
setting 8 corresponds to 1000 rpm. The formula for calculating the rota-
tional speed is specified in chapter 31.3, page 407.
The algebraic sign of the stirring rate changes the direction in which the
stirring is done. When the stirrer is viewed from above, this means:
"+": counterclockwise rotation
"–": clockwise rotation
Input range
–15 - 15
Default value
If a stirrer is used in the determination run, it can nevertheless be con-
trolled manually at the same time. For example, you can use the man-
ual control to reduce the stirring rate of a stirrer which has been started
in the determination run.