IAI America XSEL-S User Manual

Page 98

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Chapter 2 Operations


2.6.3 Positioning Completion

Completion check of positioning commands uses the position complete status signal (INP) input from

the RC controller. Note that completion check is performed differently depending on whether position

complete band setting of position data is made or not.

(1) When position data position complete band is invalid (not set or set to 0 mm)

The operation command is completed upon checking that output of all command pulses from the

extension motion control board are completed and the INP signal of the RC controller is turned on.

When the operation is completed normally, the output part of the SEL command turns on. For this

reason, the positioning band of the RC axes becomes equal to the setting value of the positioning

band parameter of the RC controller.

(2) When position data position complete band is valid (set to 0.001 mm or more)

The positioning is regarded completed when the command position from the extension motion control

board reaches a position corresponding to the position complete band setting value before the target

position and the operation command is completed. The INP output is not turned on.

If you want to check if the RC axes are within the positioning band, execute the XPED command after

executing the positioning command. The XPED command performs the positioning completion check

described in (1) above (the INP output is turned on at normal completion).


(1) If the position data’s position complete band is valid, the corresponding program exclusively holds the

right to use axes until the XPED command is executed after executing the positioning command, the

positioning command is executed by invalidating the position complete band, or until the program is

ended. For this reason, if other programs attempt to use the axes, error No. 449 “Extension motion

control board axis duplication error” occurs.

(2) Even if the position data positioning complete band is enabled (setting of 0.001 mm or greater),

operation of a given axis is completed with the completion of output division of all command pulses

and turning ON of the INP signal. For this reason, tact time is not shortened even if positioning

complete band is set if the given axis is operated continuously.

(3) If the position data position complete band is valid, it is not allowed to execute the synchronization

start commands (XCAS and XSFS) on the same axes after the execution of the positioning

command; error No. 449 “Extension motion control board axis duplication error” occurs. Execute the

XPED command before executing the synchronization start command and wait for the completion of


2.6.4 Actuator Control Commands

The VEL, VLMX, ACC, and DCL commands are valid for axes of extension motion control boards as

well. They are effective as speed, acceleration, deceleration of each axis at PTP operation if they are

not set with position data. The commands must be executed in case of CP operation (settings by

position data are invalid) and they are operated as the speed, acceleration, and deceleration for

interpolated trajectory.

Moreover, the OVRD, SCRV, HOLD, and CANC commands are valid for extension motion control




Positioning band

Target position

The INP signal turns on while the current

position of the actuator is within the

positioning band from the target position.


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