IAI America XSEL-S User Manual
Page 64
Chapter 2 Operations
[7] Electronic gear numerator/electronic gear denominator (output channel parameters No. 10 and
These parameters set the electronic gear numerator and denominator used to determine the unit
movement amount of command pulses (mm/pulse). Make the setting according to the
specification of the control target axis.
Electronic gear numerator/electronic gear denominator = number of pulses per one encoder
rotation (pulse/rev) / screw lead (mm/rev) x unit movement amount (mm/pulse)
*1 Unit movement amount: Movement of actuator per command pulse
Caution: The maximum output pulse frequency of a extension motion control board is 500,000
(pulse/sec). For this reason, the following condition must be satisfied. Maximum speed
(mm/sec) / unit movement amount (M/pulse) 500,000 (pulse/sec)
If this condition is not satisfied, the error No. 51E “Extension motion control board output
channel parameter error” occurs.
[8] Maximum speed, maximum acceleration, maximum deceleration (output channel parameters No.
12, 13, 14)
These parameters set the maximum speed (unit: mm/sec), maximum acceleration (unit: 0.01 G),
and maximum deceleration (unit: 0.01 G) of the control target axis. Make the setting according to
the specification of the control target axis.
[9] Deceleration at synchronous movement completion (output channel parameter No. 15)
This parameter sets deceleration before stopping at the completion of one cycle of synchronous
electronic CAM operation as well as at the completion of synchronous movement by the
synchronous movement end command and so on (unit: 0.01G).
[10] VLMX speed (output channel parameter No. 16)
This parameter sets the actuator moving speed when the VLMX speed is specified (execution of
VLMX command) in a SEL program (unit: mm/sec). Note that if the VLMX speed exceeds the
maximum speed (output channel parameter No. 12), the speed is restricted by the maximum
speed (VLMX speed = maximum speed).
[11] Control device No. (output channel parameter No. 18)
This parameter sets the main CPU control axis No. (1 to 6 for XSEL-P/Q, and 1 to 8 for XSEL-
R/S), to operate as a slave to the extension motion control board. Error No. 531 “slave operation
parameter error” and/or error No. 52D “Extension motion control board main CPU axis control
parameter error” occur if the settings of parameters for each axis No. 167 and 168 and/or
extension motion control board output channel parameters No. 1 and 18 are not correct.