7 modification comment on method, Modification comment on method – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual
Page 432

5.2 Method editor
tiamo 2.3 Patch 1
The method name must be unique in the entire Client/Server system.
Save the selected method under the desired method name in the selected
method group.
The method check is automatically carried out before saving the method
- it can also be started manually at any time (see Chapter 5.2.5, page
414). The method is checked as thoroughly as possible. Checks for devi-
ces, sensors and titrants/solutions are not carried out until the start of the
method in order to ensure that method commands for devices etc. which
are not yet configured in the system can be created. If an error is detected
during the method check, a message is displayed asking whether the
method should be saved nevertheless. Faulty methods cannot be started.
A new method version with a new identification is created after each stor-
age of a modified method (see Chapter 5.3.11, page 428). If the option
Comment on modification of methods is activated under Security
▶ Audit Trail ▶ Changes in the program part Configuration,
(see Chapter, page 1312)then the window Modification com-
ment method (see Chapter 5.2.7, page 416) is displayed before the
method is saved.
Modification comment on method
Menu item: Method
▶ File ▶ Save / Save as…
If the option Comment on modification of methods is activated in the
Security settings
▶ Audit Trail ▶ Modifications in the program part
Configuration (see Chapter, page 1312) when saving a modified
method or when deleting methods, the dialog window Modification
comment method is opened, in which a reason and a comment on the
modification must be entered.
Selection from the Default reasons defined for the category Modifica-
tion of methods in the Security settings dialog window (see Chapter, page 1314).
Selection from the default reasons
Entry of a comment for modifying the method.
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