3 fixed bugs and problems, Fixed bugs and problems – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual

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1 Introduction

tiamo 2.3 Patch 1




Fixed bugs and problems


Beginning with tiamo 2.3 (Build 98), communication between software
and devices has been optimized.

Client ID was output as text at various places (in the header of the
PDF reports and of the report templates, in the program part Data-
, subwindow Information on the tab Determination, in the
program part Configuration, subwindow Global Variables on the
tab Global Variable), the associated value corresponded however to
the name of the computer. Client ID has now been replaced by Com-
puter name

Program part Workplace

If a method was programmed in which the check was required at the
time of the Start for one or more method variables of the type Num-
(e.g. the Sample size) or Date/Time and which contained a
ERROR track, then the exception wizard would appear in the program
part Workplace at the start of the determination, after the message
014-152 Field empty is exited (tiamo has crashed).

If a method was written in which the file name did not have the exten-
sion .pdf in the REPORT command at the field PDF file (completely
forgotten or only the period forgotten, e.g. abc or abcpdf), then this
would lead to a crash at the start of a determination.

If the digital output of the Avantes spectrometer was used (CTRL com-
mand), whereby a measuring command was also present in the
method that used the same device, then the message 014-122
Device occupied
would appear.

In the menu item View

Properties, the properties of the respective

live display have always been listed as Properties Live display
instead of Properties Live display #.

If it is determined during the Start Test that the wavelength of the cali-
bration of the colorimetric sensor does not match the wavelength of
the light source of the 089 Photometer in the command MEAS Opt
, then the message appears 014-042 Incorrect wavelength.
Instead of the value for the wavelength of the calibration of the colori-
metric sensor, the value of the wavelength of the light source of the
089 Photometer would be specified in the message.

Program part Database

If a determination was carried out with intelligent electrodes, then the
ADC data (ADC type and serial number) of the analog (non-intelligent)
measuring input at which the iConnect was connected was stored in
the Database, subwindow Information on the tab Configuration.