5 properties - history, History – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual
Page 1442
6.8 Subwindow Colorimetric sensors
tiamo 2.3 Patch 1
Lower limit
Lower limit value for the coefficient of determination.
Only editable for Monitoring coefficient of determination = on, oth-
erwise inactive.
0.00000 ... 1.00000
Default value
Properties - History
Tab: Configuration
▶ Colorimetric sensors ▶ Edit ▶ Properties... ▶ History
History table
The table contains the last 10 calibrations for the selected colorimetric
sensor and can be neither edited nor sorted. The individual calibrations are
sorted according to date in such a way that the most recent determina-
tion is listed last. The table contains the following columns:
Coefficient of determination
The values are shown in the following colors:
Blue, if the value has been assigned automatically by a method.
Black, if the values have been entered manually.
Orange, if the values are outside the warning limits.
Red, if the values are outside the intervention limits.
If the warning or intervention limits are exceeded then the line number
will also be shown with an orange and red background respectively.
Confidence interval
Display of the confidence interval within which the measured values for
the determination of the calibration curve must lie. Values outside this
range are called outliers, they are not integrated in the calculation of the
calibration coefficient.
Total number of outliers (values outside the confidence interval).
Calibration date
Date and time of the calibration.
Calibration method
Name of the method with which the calibration was carried out. If the cal-
ibration data has been entered manually, then manual will appear here.