3 fixed bugs and problems, Fixed bugs and problems – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual

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1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.3?




tiamo 2.3 Patch 1

For an unambiguous and unmistakable recognition of the Merck buf-
fers, the name of the previously used buffer has been changed from
Merck to Merck CertiPUR 20°C/Titrisol in the command CAL

The determination ID is available as the system variable SV.DID.

The term "Electrode test" for commands with Ipol/Upol has been
replaced by Electrode check. The electrode test determines the qual-
ity of the electrodes with the commands ELT LOOP and ELT MEAS,
whereas the electrode check looks only for the presence of the elec-

With the command MEAS Cond, the option Measurement without
drift control
is the new default setting on the tab Measuring

Program part Configuration

The number of calibration buffers of its own has been raised in the
configuration from 5 to 9. In order to ensure robust recognition, how-
ever, the clearance between the individual buffers must be at least one
pH unit.

A new feature is that the Settings according to 21 CFR Part 11
can now be set by means of a single check box; an audit trail entry is
also generated when the check box is activated and deactivated. The
elements affected by this setting become inactive.

The determination ID can be copied in the program part Configura-
. It can be found at the following locations:

– in the dialog window Properties – Avantes Spectrometer on

the tabs Calibration, Dark spectrum and Reference spec-

– in the dialog window Sample solution (TC conductivity) -

%1 on the tab TC data.

– in the dialog window Colorimetric sensor - %1 on the tab

Calibration data.

Program part Manual control
A new feature is that the parameters Shift rate, Lift rate and Swing
are now to be found on the tab Move for the manual operation of
the sample changer (previously: tab General).


Fixed bugs and problems

Program part Workplace

If the monitoring of the titer validity, the common variable, the global
variable or the calibration data had expired, then it was not possible to
redetermine the titer, the common variable or the global variable via
the CALC command ("Save result as..." ) or to carry out a calibration
(the error was rectified previously in tiamo 2.2 Patch 1).