3 trim, Trim – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual
Page 104

2.4 Formula editor
tiamo 2.3 Patch 1
The parameter can be indicated either directly as a number or as a variable
of the type Number. If the parameter does not correspond to the expec-
ted type, it will automatically be converted to this. It a type conversion is
not possible or the length indicated here is greater than the length of the
subtext, invalid is given
SubText("Citric acid";9;5) = acid
SubText("Citric acid";9;6) = invalid, only five characters exist from
position 9 onwards
SubText('MV.ID2';1;3) = the first three chracters of the identification 2
Dialog window: Formula editor
▶ Operators/Functions
y = Trim(Text)
Gives the Text without spaces before and after.
y = Trim(Text ; sample text)
Gives the Text without Sample text.
The parameter can be indicated either directly or as a variable of the type
Text, Number or Date/Time.
Sample text
The parameter can be indicated either directly or as a variable of the type
Text, Number or Date/Time. If the types of the two parameters do not
coincide, the type is converted from Sample text to the type Text.
Entries of the type Number are always provided with a decimal place.
Example: Trim("12345";3) = 12345, as the 3 is converted to 3.0
before the operation and this is not included in the text.
Trim(" Citric acid ") = "Citric acid"
Trim("Citric acid";"acid") = Lemons
Trim("Citric acid";"salt") = Citric acid