3 clients, 4 licenses, Clients – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual
Page 1335: Licenses
6 Configuration
tiamo 2.3 Patch 1
Tab: Configuration
▶ Tools ▶ Program administration ▶ Clients
Table with information about the computers on which tiamo is installed.
The table cannot be edited. With a click on the column title the table can
be sorted according to the selected column in either increasing or
decreasing sequence.
Client ID
Display of the ID for the client that has been entered for the client/server
Computer name
Display of the name of the computer on which the client has been instal-
Display as to whether tiamo has been started on the client (active) or not
The content of the tab Clients can also be displayed via the shortcut
in the directory ..\Metrohm\tiamo\bin (available only on the
server) if tiamo is not running.
Tab: Configuration
▶ Tools ▶ Program administration ▶ Licenses
Table with the licenses that are installed on the server (for tiamo multi)
or local server (for tiamo light and tiamo full). The table cannot be edi-
ted. With a click on the column title the table can be sorted according to
the selected column in either increasing or decreasing sequence.
In client/server systems this tab is only visible on the server and only for
members of the Administrators user group.
License code
Display of the entered license code.