7 exporting sample data, 8 sample table test – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 User Manual
Page 130
3.3 Sample tables
tiamo 2.3 Patch 1
Exporting sample data
Dialog window:Workplace
▶ Tools ▶ Sample
▶ Open… ▶ [Open] ▶ [Sample table] ▶ Export data… ▶ Save
file under..
Dialog window:Workplace
▶ Run ▶ Determination series ▶ [Sam-
ple table]
▶ Export data… ▶ Save file as..
In this dialog window, you determine the file into which the sample data
is to be exported.
File name
Input or selection of the file into which the export is to be made.
File name
File type
Prescribed format *.csv.
Default value
The sample data will be written to the export file.
Sample table test
Dialog window: Workplace
▶ Sample table / Determination series ▶ [Sample
▶ Sample table test... ▶ Sample table test -Sample table name
The menu item [Sample table]
▶ Sample table test... or the symbol
is used to perform the sample table test. At the same time, the dialog
window Sample table test - 'Sample table name' in which the infor-
mation concerning the test is displayed opens.
The Sample table test is only used to check whether or not all sample
data is correct (in contrast to the Run test (see Chapter 3.6.2, page
131), which also checks the required hardware).
Displays the line number of the currently tested sample data line.
Status displays
One of the following status displays appears underneath the line number: