Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual

Page 783

background image

Subwindow Devices


Data storage under legal control

on, [ off ]

This option must be enabled if the balance has its own data memory (only

for Sartorius balances).


1000 characters, [ empty ]

Remarks about the device.

This button is only shown with a balance or barcode reader. In order to de-
lete the device from the device list the device must be disconnected.

RS 232

COM Port

COM1, COM2, ..., [ first free COM port ]

Selects the serial interface on the PC to which the balance is connected.

Baud rate

300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, [ 9600 ], 19200

Transmission speed.

Data bit

7, [ 8 ]

Number of data bits.


[ none ], odd, even

Type of parity check.

Stop bit

[ 1 ], 2

Number of stop bits.


[ None ], HW, SW

Type of data transmission protocol.


1000 ... [ 2000 ] ... 9000 ms

Maximum waiting time for receiving characters. If this time is exceeded the

reception will be stopped.

Terminator for send

\0D, \0D\0A, \0D\0A\0A, \0D\0D\0A, [ 'empty' ]

Final character for transmission in hexadecimal code.

Terminator for receive

\0D, \0D\0A, \0D\0A\0A, \0D\0D\0A, [ 'leer' ]

Final character for reception in hexadecimal code.