Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual

Page 453

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Time interval measuring point

0.1 ... [ 2.0 ] ... 999999 s


0.08 ... [ 2.00 ] ... 16200 s


Time interval for entering a measuring point in the list of measuring points.

Stop conditions

Screenshot and parameters: see SET pH - Stop conditions


Screenshot and parameters: see SET pH - Conditioning

Additional evaluations

Screenshot and parameters: see SET U - Additional evaluations

Additional measured values

Screenshot and parameters: see DET pH - Additional measured values

KFT Upol

Command for Karl Fischer Titrations with amperometric measurement (select-
able polarization voltage).


This command can be executed with the following devices which have the KFT
Titrino: 720, 736, 751, 758, 784, 795, 799

Titrando: 835, 836, 841, 857, 890


The command has the following appearance:

without conditioning with conditioning


The parameters for the command

KFT Upol

are configured in the following 8 tabs:


Parameters for devices, dosing devices, sensors and stirrers.

Start conditions

Parameters for the measurement of the initial measured value and for defin-
ing the conditions which have to be met at the start of the titration.