Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual

Page 736

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Set to work

Shows the date on which the device was automatically added to the device


Working hours

Shows the number of operating hours (only for 778, 789, 814, 815, and 855

Data storage under legal control

on, [ off ]

This option must be enabled if the balance has its own data memory (only

for Sartorius balances).


1000 characters, [ empty ]

Remarks about the device.

This button is only shown with a balance or barcode reader. In order to de-
lete the device from the device list the device must be disconnected.

Load new program version

If when a device is connected up it is discovered that this has an old program ver-
sion that is not supported by tiamo then it must be updated. This is done by se-

lecting the device in the Device table and using

Edit, Properties

to open the Proper-

ties window for the device. On the tab


the button


is then active.

Opens the dialog window

Load new program version


Old version

Shows the old device program version.

New version

Shows the new device program version to be loaded.

Loads new program version.

Make sure that the device is not manipulated or switched off during the loading
process and follow the instructions shown.