Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual
Page 404

Measured value window (Upol)
Measured value windows are regions on the measured value axis for which
different parameters for the potentiometric evaluation can be defined. Only
those equivalence points which lie within these windows and additionally
meet the parameters defined for each window will be recognized. Per win-
dow only one EP will be recognized.
Lower limit
[ -200.0 ] ... 200.0 µA
Lower limit for the measured value window.
Upper limit
-200.0 ... [ 200.0 ]
Upper limit for the measured value window.
EP criterion
0 ... [ 5 ] ... 200
Criterion for the recognition of equivalence points. Equivalence points
whose ERC is smaller than the set EP criterion will not be recognized.
EP recognition
Filter for the recognition of equivalence points (only Titrando):
Only the first equivalence point to be found will be recognized.
Only the equivalence point with the greatest ERC value, i.e. the steepest
jump, will be recognized.
Only the last equivalence point to be found will be recognized.
Only equivalence points with a positive slope of the titration curve will be
Only equivalence points with a negative slope of the titration curve will be
Evaluation with volume window (mL)
Screenshot and parameters: see DET pH - Potentiometric evaluation