Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual
Page 216

X pos.
Shows the predefined x-position for the fixed report.
Y pos.
0.0000 ... (max. page height) mm
y-position within the permitted section.
Shows the predefined width of the fixed report.
0.0000 ... (max. page height) mm
Height of fixed report.
Fixed report
[ Calculations ], Calibration data, Curves, Measuring point list, Messages, Method
parameters, Monitoring report, Raw data (end points), Results list, Signature list
determinations, Signature list methods, Standard addition, Statistical data (full),
Statistical data (short), Titration and measurement parameters, Used common
variables, Used devices, Used sensors, Variables
Selection of a predefined fixed report.
Command name
[ not defined ], 50 characters
(only for
Fixed report
Measuring point list
Name of the command for which a curve is to be shown. With
not defined
the lists for all curves present in the determination will be produced as de-
An image field is used for including any external graphics on the report template.
In order to insert an image into a report template the corresponding symbol
must be selected on the Module bar and placed on the report template by
creating a field with the left-hand mouse key.
X pos.
0.0000 ... (max. page width) mm
x-position within the permitted section.
Y pos.
0.0000 ... (max. page height) mm
y-position within the permitted section.
0.0000 ... (max. page width) mm
Width of image field.
0.0000 ... (max. page height) mm
Height of image field.
Graphics file
Shows path and name of the selected graphics file (the field cannot be ed-
ited directly). With
a window opens for selecting the graphics file. The
path and name of the graphics file are then entered.
Entry how the image is to be displayed.
[ original ]
Original size.
Proportional enlargement or diminishment.