Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual
Page 162

Options for editing the working sample table on the tab
Determination series
and in
the dialog window
Edit line
Default method group
[ Main group ], Method groups
Slection of the standard method group for the selection of methods in the
working sample table.
Accept data with
on, [ off ]
ID1 ... ID8, [ Sample size ],Sample size unit, Sample position
Selection of the data field that must be filled during automatic data import
via balance, barcode reader or file so that the data in the line will be entered
in the sample data silo and a switch will be made to the next line. If the par-
ticular column is empty then further imported data will be written into the
same line. This means that it is e.g. possible to first enter sample identifica-
tion via a barcode reader into a line and then to accept the sample size
from a balance in the same line.
For manual data input this option is irrelevant.
Lock editing in working sample table
on, [ off ]
If this option is switched on then editing lines in the sample table loaded in
the working sample table is disabled.
Copy automatically into next line
[ on ], off
If this option is switched on then the contents of this field will be filled auto-
matically with the contents of the previous line when a new sample data line
is created.
ID1 ... ID3
[ on ], off
If this option is switched on then the contents of this field will be filled auto-
matically with the contents of the previous line when a new sample data line
is created.
ID4 ... ID8
on, [ off ]
If this option is switched on then the contents of this field will be filled auto-
matically with the contents of the previous line when a new sample data line
is created.