Sign method at level 1 – Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual
Page 329

Manage methods
Sign method at level 1
The dialog window
Signature Level 1
is opened with
Sign, Signature 1...
in the dialog
Method manager
. Methods can be signed several times at this level.
Methods signed at level 1 can be edited and deleted. If the method is edited
and saved again, a new version is created and all the signatures will be deleted
i.e. the method must be signed again.
Information about signing and deleting signatures is displayed here. The
following messages are possible:
Signature possible
The selected method can be signed.
Signature 1 not possible (signature 2 exists)
The selected method can no longer be signed at Level 1 as it has already
been signed at Level 2.
Signature not possible (accessed by other client)
The selected method cannot be signed as it is already marked to be signed
on a different client.
Entry of the short name of the user.
Entry of the password.
Selection of standard reasons
Selecting a Default reason out of the category
Signature level 1
defined in
the dialog window
Security settings
1000 characters
Entry of a comment for the signature.
Sign the method. The dialog window remains open.
Methods can only be signed at level 1 if the user belongs to a user group with
the corresponding authorization.