Metrohm tiamo 1.3 Manual User Manual

Page 705

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Audit Trail


Information about the action, which is either relevant to the security or has

altered any data.

Information about errors or incorrect actions. These actions are additionally
shown with a red background to their line numbers.


Date, time and time zone of the action.


Short name of the logged-in user.

Full name

Full name of the logged-in user.


Name of the Client on which the action was carried out or which is affected
by the action.


Program part to which the action belonged.


Short description of the action.


Detailed information about the action.


Shows whether the action has already been archived or not (only archived
actions can be deleted).

With the menu item

View, Column display...

unwanted columns can be removed.

Table view

The Audit Trail table cannot be edited. With a click on the column title the table
can be sorted according to the selected column in either increasing or decreasing

sequence. The table view can be adapted with the left-hand mouse key as fol-

Drag the margin between the column titles:
sets the column width

Double-click on the margin between the column titles:

sets the optimal column width

Drag the column title:
Moves the column to the required location

If the contents of a field is larger than the column width then the whole contents
will be shown as a tooltip if the mouse cursor is kept on the field.


The following functions can be carried out:

Filter Audit Trail

Update Audit Trail

Export Audit Trail

Archive Audit Trail

Delete Audit Trail

Print Audit Trail

How to proceed: Open Audit Trail