MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 63

MPT Options Editor Execution Tab
MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
MPT Options Editor
Options that are controlled from the Execution tab include:
How the system responds when Hold is selected on the run, stop, hold
Whether or not a test can be resumed if it has been stopped, but it has not
Whether or not the Station Manager Span and Setpoint controls can affect
your procedure.
What hydraulic state is required for the control channels in the procedure to
What happens to the command when the test is put in hold or stopped.
Whether the application displays confirmation messages when actions that
affect test resumption occur.
Execution Tab (part 1 of 3)
Hold State Support
Specifies how the Hold button on the Run/Stop/Hold panel operates.
Enable Hold—Clicking Hold puts the test in a hold state.
Ignore Hold Event—Hold is disabled and, if selected, has no effect.
Treat Hold As Stop—Hold operates identically to Stop.
Resume Test After Stop
Specifies whether or not you can resume a test after it is stopped.
This applies whether the test is stopped by an interlock, a
program control process, or the Stop button on the Run/Stop/
Hold panel.
If the enable option is not selected and a test is stopped, you must click the
Reset button or select a new MPT specimen before you can run the
procedure again.