MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 27

The MultiPurpose TestWare Interface
MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
About MultiPurpose TestWare
For more information
“About the MPT Procedure Editor”
Edit mode
Execute mode
Changes between edit and execute test modes. To change (toggle between)
modes, click the edit /execute mode button.
You must be in edit mode to create or make changes to your procedure.
You cannot switch to edit mode if the procedure is running or holding.
You must be in the execute mode to run your test. The procedure automatically
switches to execute mode if you click run on the Station Controls panel.
When you change to execute mode, the MPT application becomes the
controlling application of the control channels used in the procedure.
You cannot use the Station Managermanual command controls on
the control channels used in the procedure.
Quits the MultiPurpose TestWare application.
MPT Control Panel Toolbar (part 2 of 2)