MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 396

MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
Temperature Control Process
External Control Process Descriptions
General tab
Channels tab
Displays the channels available to this process. Use the arrow keys to move
desired channels from the Available list to the Included list.
Monitor Signal
Specifies the temperature feedback signal associated with the monitor feature.
This feedback comes from a second temperature sensor in the enclosure, which
is conditioned by its own conditioner. This feedback is independent of the
feedback used by the external temperature controller to achieve closed-loop
Monitor Tolerance
Specifies the amount the monitor temperature feedback may vary from the
specified End Level during the Dwell Period.
If you use the monitor feature, the Temperature Control process monitors the
feedback associated with the Control Tolerance and the feedback associated
with the Monitor Tolerance concurrently. If either feedback strays outside of
its tolerance range the dwell period starts over.
Command Tab (part 2 of 2)
General Tab
Specifies the process name displayed on the Procedure or Group process
Process Enabled
Enables the process. (Clear this box to disable the process.)
Execute Process
Specifies the number of times the process will be run.
Counter Type
Enables a process counter.
Options are None, Transient, or Fixed. Transient counters are displayed only
when the process is active. Fixed counters are displayed throughout the test.
Counter Label
Names the counter.
When you run the test, this name appears under Sequence Counters on the
MPT control panel.
If this box is blank, the process name is used as the counter label.