Sweep command parameter descriptions – MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 222

MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
Sweep Command Process
Command Processes
Sweep Command Parameter Descriptions
Command tab
Command Tab (part 1 of 2)
Segment Shape
Specifies the segment shape.
Sweep Type
Specifies how the sweep progresses:
Linear—steps the sweep linearly by the Sweep Rate between Frequency
1 and Frequency 2.
Logarithmic—steps the sweep logarithmically by the Sweep Rate
between Frequency 1 and Frequency 2.
Sweep Rate
Specifies the rate at which the sweep progresses.
Sweep Count
Specifies how many times the sweep will repeat.
If you clear the Count box, the sweep will repeat continuously.
Frequency 1
Defines the starting sweep frequency.
Frequency 2
Defines the ending sweep frequency.
Enables command compensation during the command process.
The use of the AICX compensator can introduce large delays
between generated command and command to the actuator.
The delay is dependant on the tuning of AICX and is two times
the value of the Impulse Response.
Relative End Levels
Defines the segment end level:
Absolute End Level is relative to setpoint.
Relative End Level is relative to the starting command value (the value
when the process begins).
Specifies the channel.
Control Mode
Specifies the control mode or control-mode variable.
Absolute End Level
1/Relative End
Level 1
Defines the end level value for the first segment in the channel.