MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 355

Digital Input Detector Process
MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
Event Process Descriptions
Settings tab
Settings Tab (part 1 of 2)
Trigger Mode
Trigger Once causes the process to generate a trigger and a done signal when
the specified digital event occurs.
Trigger Continuously causes the process to generate a trigger signal when the
specified digital event occurs. When you make this selection, the process will
only terminate upon an interrupt or when its parent group or procedure ends.
Process triggers when
Select Any selected input detects its specified event to end or trigger the
process when any one of the inputs is detected.
Select All selected inputs detect their specified events to end or trigger the
process when all selected inputs are detected.
Log Message As
Assigns a severity level to the message (in ascending levels of severity:
Diagnostic, Information, Warning, or Error) and makes the message
available to the MPT Specimen Log. If the Station Manager Station Log and
the Basic TestWare Test Log are configured to accept messages from all
sources, then MPT makes the message available to them also.
Unlike Station Manager and Basic TestWare, MPT does not generate
messages with a severity level of Fatal Error.
Each type of log will accept the message only if it has been configured to store
messages with the assigned severity level. For instance, if the MPT Specimen
Log is configured to accept messages with a minimum severity level of
Warning, and you assign Information as the severity level for this message,
then this message will not be recorded in the MPT Specimen Log. In that
instance the MPT Specimen Log would accept messages having only
Warning and Error severity levels.
You can specify the minimum severity level that each type of log will accept.
To do this:
For MultiPurpose TestWare, select the MPT Options Editor, then
select the Specimen Log tab.
For Station Manager, select Tools, then select Station Options, then
select the Station Log tab.
For Basic TestWare, select Test Setup, then select the Test Log tab.