Program event parameter descriptions – MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 374

MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
Program Event Process
Event Process Descriptions
How to detect
transitions after a
Done Interrupt
When a procedure or group process is done, MPT sends out an Interrupt signal to
all of the active child processes. Program Event processes cannot detect Entering
Stopped and Stopped transitions that occur after a Done Interrupt.
For more information
Program Event Parameter Descriptions
Settings tab
Settings Tab
Select program
event(s) to monitor
Selects the program event(s) you want to monitor. You can choose as many
program events as you want.
To select more than one event, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking the
desired events. To select a range of events, click the first event in the range,
then hold the Shift key down and click the last event in the range.
Trigger Mode
Trigger Once causes the process to generate a trigger and a done signal when a
program event occurs.
Trigger Continuously causes the process to generate a trigger signal when a
program event occurs. The process will keep triggering on program events
until the process is interrupted.