MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 56

MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
About Working with Unit Assignment Set Editor
Performing Common Tasks
Standard unit sets
CGSSET - Centimeters-Grams-Seconds—Defines a set of units that is based
upon centimeters, grams, and seconds.
ENGSET - U.S. Engineering Units—Defines a set of units that contains
customary U.S. engineering units. It provides force-related units in “kip,” and
length-related units in “in.”
ENGSETSM - U.S. Engineering Units (small)—Defines a set of units that
contains customary U.S. engineering units. It provides force-related units, in
“lbf,” and length-related units in “in.”
SISET - SI (Systeme International d’Unites)—Defines a set of units that
contains customary international (metric) units. It provides force-related units in
“kN,” and length-related units in “mm.”
SISETSM - SI (Systeme International d’Unites) - small—Defines a set of
units that contains customary international (metric) units. It provides force, and
force-related units in “N,” and length-related units in “mm.”
SYSDEF - System Units Definition—Contains a copy of the units that are used
in the hardware and software to represent test values of interest.
Displays a comment about the selected UAS. We recommend you describe the
characteristics of the unit set you create.
Dimension and Units
Displays the dimensions and corresponding units used by the system software.
When you click a dimension name, the units assigned to the current set are
highlighted. To change a setting, click the dimension, and then click the
desired units.
You can quickly find an item in the Dimensions or Units list boxes
with the keyboard by typing the first letter of the desired item until it is
displayed. For example: To select the engineering force unit kN, type
the letter ‘k’ repeatedly until kN is highlighted in the list box.
Unit Assignment Set Editor (part 2 of 2)