MTS Series 793 Application User Manual
Page 52

MTS MultiPurpose TestWare®
How to Display Counters and Status Panels
Performing Common Tasks
2. Check the Show Status Panel at Run Time box as desired. By default
status panels are not displayed.
If you enable the Show Status Panel at Run Time box, you have the
option of having the status panel display the distance traveled by the
vehicle, for which you type a nominal vehicle speed for the distance
Profile Counters
To display profile counters, you must include a Profile Command or Profile with
ALC process in your procedure that uses a profile that includes the keyword
Display individual
processes on the
Sequence Counters
The Sequence Counters panel displays by default, but each counter that populates
the Sequence Counters panel must be enabled for display individually. To do
this you must open each process on the procedure table to display its Parameters
window, select the General tab, then select the desired Counter Type option.
The Counter Type options are:
None—The counter label and counter are not displayed on the Sequence
Counters panel.
Transient—The counter label and counter are only displayed on the
Sequence Counters panel when the process is active. When the process
ends, transient counters disappear.
Fixed—The counter label and counter are displayed on the Sequence
Counters panel for the duration of the test.
For more information
For more information, see
For information about changing default settings, see