Analog input screens, Programming a sat 3f – WattMaster WM-WCC3-TGD-01B User Manual
Page 835

Analog Input Screens
Figure 17: Analog Input Screen
On the
Analog Input Screen
you may want to fi ll in the description
fi eld with a short message for each analog point to help you remember
points within the system. You may enter up to ten characters (control
codes, ALT codes, and the double quote character are not allowed).
This fi eld is automatically fi lled in by the system. It will always read
“ANALOG” for a SAT 3F.
Sensor Type:
This is a choice fi eld for Analog types only. On a SAT 3F, this should
always be set for “General.” A list of available choices will be displayed
at the bottom of the screen:
RawCount, Thermistor+> Pattern for values associated with this input: Specifi es where you would like the decimal point to appear in the value < X,XXX , XXX.X , XX.XX , X.XXX > You may make your selection by pressing the until the desired data pattern has been selected and then pressing . If this fi eld is for a space/room sensor or a Discharge Air Temperature then Units @0% scale: This does not need to be fi lled out for a SAT 3F. Units of Measure message #: A number is entered here that references a message on the On/Off Units Messages Screen . For example, if units-of-measure message #4 is “Deg F”, entering “4” will cause “Deg F” to be displayed as the Filter Time Constant:____ Seconds Specifi es the sampling rate of the analog input. This is used by the sat- < 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 > You may make your selection by pressing the until the desired fi lter time constant has been selected and then pressing . ----ALARMS---- See section 3 “ANALOG INPUT SCREEN – ALARMS” for how to ----BINARY SETPOINTS---- See section 3 “ANALOG INPUT SCREEN – BINARY SETPOINTS” 31 VAV/Zone Controller Actuator Package Technical Guide Programming a SAT 3F
displayed by the system. Because this is a “choice” fi eld, a list of avail-
able choices will be displayed at the bottom of the screen:
you will want to set this for one decimal place (XXX.X). If this fi eld is
for Carbon Dioxide then you will want to set this for no decimal places
(X,XXX). If this fi eld is not programmed correctly, you may get values
with the decimal point in the wrong position.
@Full scale:
units-of-measure for the analog input.
ellites to “fi lter”(or smooth) the analog input signal. This can be used
on inputs that “jump around” to reduce sporadic load control. Because
this is a “choice” fi eld, the list of available choices will be displayed at
the bottom of the screen:
program the alarms for the analog inputs on the SAT 3F.
for how to program the Binary Setpoints for the analog inputs on the