WattMaster WCC III WattMaster Control Center User Manual
Wattmaster control center wcc iii

WCC III Provides Complete Control and Energy
Management for Any Size Facility
Economical For Small Systems
Because Of Modular Construction
The WCC III System is comprised of an MCD that op-
erates primarily as a distribution point for control
schedules and data used/shared by direct digital con-
trol panels (satellite controllers and terminal unit con-
trollers) which are distributed throughout the building.
Satellite controllers and terminal unit controllers
provide the actual control and are added and pro-
grammed to suit your specifi c system requirements.
Menu Driven Program Makes System
Set-up Easy And System Operation
Even Easier
All steps of the WCC III operation including initial satellite
controller set-up are menu driven. This means operators
do not have to be system programmers, and changes can
be made without referencing a complex computer program.
Reduced Costs
Equipment Cost is reduced because the system, includ-
ing satellite controllers, is modular. You only buy the num-
ber of satellites required. Satellites have capacity for 8 se-
lectable inputs (analog or binary), 16 binary and 8 analog
outputs, and there are expansion boards available to ex-
tend binary inputs and outputs along with analog outputs.
Installation Cost is reduced because “Global” informa-
tion gathered at one satellite can be shared with other
satellites, eliminating wiring runs and control duplication.
Direct Digital Control further reduces costs because
satellite controllers interface directly with valve and damp-
er actuators, eliminating costly intermediate controls.
Terminal Unit Controllers Reduces Wiring Costs:
Use of terminal unit controllers further reduces installed
costs by greatly reducing fi eld wiring and often allow-
ing factory installation of controls on terminal units to
reduce fi eld labor and wiring errors. Special satellites
and terminal unit controllers are available to control fan
coil units, heat pumps, and pressure dependent and
pressure independent VAV and fan terminal boxes.
Operating Costs are reduced through menu driven pro-
grams, including adaptive optimal start, demand limiting,
deadband spreading, duty cycling, night setback, and oth-
er programs you can create for your specifi c requirements
thru the logic programs related to global commands.
Equipment Replacement Costs drop because equip-
ment lasts longer. Close monitoring and logging of
performance and run time means service needs can
be recognized before a serious breakdown occurs.
Improved Cost Management: Equipment and light-
ing are precisely controlled during “normal occupancy
hours”. After hours override by tenants permits log-
ging or extra usage so that costs can be properly al-
located to tenants/departments using extra energy.
WattMaster Control Center