Wcc3.exe screen descriptions, Analog input rawcount screen ------alarms – WattMaster WM-WCC3-TGD-01B User Manual

Page 156

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WCC III Technical Guide


Sensor Type

This is a choice fi eld for Analog types only. A list of available
choices will be displayed at the bottom of the screen:

Resistor+, RawCount, Thermistor+>

You may make your selection by pressing the


the desired Analog Type has been selected and then pressing


RawCount is the raw count value straight from the 12 bit A to D
converter. Used for testing and or calibrating to see if the analog
signal is linear, so that you may test the non-linear curve of any
sensor to determine if any offset is needed.

Units of Measure Message #: 1

A number is entered here that references a message on the On/Off
Units Messages Screen
. For example, if units-of-measure message
#1 is “Data,” entering “1” will cause “Data” to be displayed as the
units-of-measure for the analog input.

Filter Time Constant: ____ Seconds

Specifi es the sampling rate of the analog input. This is used by the
satellites to “fi lter” (or smooth) the analog input signal. This can be
used on inputs that “jump around” to reduce sporadic load control.
Because this is a “choice” fi eld, the list of available choices will be
displayed at the bottom of the screen:

< 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 >

You may make your selection by pressing the


the desired fi lter time constant has been selected and then pressing


Analog Input RawCount Screen


Controlled by:

Specifi es the binary value that selects the ON or OFF alarm limits.
When this value is OFF, the OFF alarm limits are selected; when it
is ON, the ON alarm limits are selected.

Alarm Type:

Specifi es the priority (or “importance”) level for any alarms
generated by this input. Alarm types range from one (highest
priority) to eight (lowest priority). The system displays and e-mails
higher priority alarms fi rst. (The fi rst fi ve alarm priorities (1-5)
have e-mail-out-on-alarm capabilities.)

Alarm Message # Low: ___ High: ___

Specifi es a pair of message numbers, one for LOW alarms and
the second for any HIGH alarms. These numbers are used by
the system to reference a message which is entered on the Alarm
Message Screen

Alternate Limits Selected By:

Specifi es the point that initiates the Alternate mode. When this
address is zero (or OFF), the Normal alarm limits are selected;
when it is one (or ON), the Alternate alarm limits are selected.


Low High


_____ _____ °. F


_____ _____ °. F

On (alt)

_____ _____ °. F

Off (alt)

_____ _____ °. F

Local Set

_____ _____ °. F

This group of inputs specifi es the alarm limits for the “Normal,”
“Alternate,” and “Local Set” modes. Each mode has a LOW and
HIGH limit. When the value of the analog input goes out of these
limits, an alarm is generated, and the alarm will automatically
display and e-mail out.

This manual is related to the following products: