Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual

Page 265

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Chapter 8 - Caterpillar Engine and Related Systems


NOTE: A photo tachometer can be used on the
driving clutch element, which is connected
directly to the engine crankshaft. A photo
tachometer used on the driven clutch element
will not register correct engine RPM.


Lift the cargo box, release the camloc® fasten-
ers that secure the engine cover and remove the
engine cover to reach the throttle linkage.

CAUTION: Some of the following adjustments
are made or checked with the engine running.
Before making these adjustments, confirm that
no unsafe conditions will arise from running the
engine. Possible unsafe conditions include, but
are not limited to: fire hazard, exposure to hot or
rotating parts, asphyxiation, and carbon monox-
ide poisoning.


Before adjusting the idle speed or governor, con-
firm that the throttle cable operates properly:

4a. Look for physical damage.

4b. Operate the throttle and observe the


4c. “Blip” the throttle pedal, looking for consis-

tent engine response and return to idle.


If the throttle cable linkage is suspect, isolate the
engine governor from the throttle cable to con-
firm the source of the problem.


Before adjusting the engine speed, contact the
partnering Caterpillar dealer.
See Figure 8.114.

Figure 8.114

Return spring

stop screw stop screw

High speed Idle speed

NOTE: The governor feature is built into the
fuel injector pump. If the engine over-speeds,
fails to reach 3,600 RPM top no-load speed, or
fails to idle at the correct speed, and the throttle
cable is moving the governor arm through it’s full
range of motion then there is a performance
issue with the engine or an internal governor
(injector pump) problem. Unless the perfor-
mance issue is caused by some external factor
or parasitic drag, the problem needs to be
solved by the partnering Caterpillar dealer.

NOTE: While it is possible to adjust the throttle
stops on the injector pump, they have been pre-
set from the Caterpillar factory. If the engine suf-
fers a speed related failure and the paint on the
stop screws has been disturbed, the warranty is

NOTE: Service the air filter if it is dirty. A
blocked air filter will effect engine speed, particu-
larly under load.

NOTE: The principle in making this adjustment
is to coordinate throttle pedal movement with
governor arm movement in such a way that the
full range of engine speeds are available without
straining the linkage because of misalignment or


Eliminate any linkage bind and play before
attempting to adjust the linkage:

Clean, lubricate, or replace the cable if neces-
sary to achieve proper function.

Clean, lubricate, or repair the pedal assembly as
necessary to achieve proper function. Dry lubri-
cants such as graphite or PTFE are preferred.