Choke – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual

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Chapter 7 - Kohler Engine Service Access and Fuel System




If a vehicle exhibits any of the following symp-
toms, inspect the operation of the choke:
See Figure 7.56.

hard starting when the engine is cold or ambient
temperatures are low

poor high-load performance

rough or inconsistent idle


Access the engine, remove the air filter cover,
and remove the air filter.


Operate the choke knob (located beneath the
parking brake lever, just outboard of the opera-
tor’s seat)


Observe the movement of the choke linkage and
the choke plate within the air horn of the carbu-
retor. See Figure 7.57.


If the choke does not open and close completely
with the operation of the knob, the cable may be
adjusted: See Figure 7.58.

Loosen the clamp that secures the choke cable
to the governor bracket using a 5/16” wrench.

Shift the cable as necessary to achieve proper
reaction of the choke plate to the control knob.

Tighten the clamp screw.

Re-check the operation.


If the choke cable does not have full travel, look
for and correct any of the following conditions:

Confirm that the cable routing does not place it
in a bind.

Confirm that the cable housing is not damaged
(burned, chafed, or kinked).

Confirm that the cable core is not corroded.

Figure 7.56

Choke knob

Figure 7.57

Choke plate

Figure 7.58

Choke cable

Choke arm