Chapter 4 - front suspension and steering – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual
Page 140

Chapter 4 - Front Suspension and steering
Tie Rod End
Refer to the INSPECTION section of this chapter
for information on when to replace tie rod ends.
Lift and safely support the vehicle as described
in the INTRODUCTION section of this manual.
The vehicle should be supported by the frame.
Remove the front wheel using a 3/4” wrench.
Match-mark the tie rod jam nut so that the new
tie rod end can be installed to the same thread
depth on the tie rod. See Figure 4.26.
Loosen the jam nut 1/4 turn using a 17mm
wrench on the nut and a 9/16” wrench to hold
the tie rod from turning.
NOTE: Right-hand thread, both sides
Loosen the nut that holds the tie rod end to the
hub assembly using a 19mm wrench. Loosen
the nut far enough that it can be turned easily
with thumb and forefinger. See Figure 4.27.
Press the stud portion of the tie rod up using a
two-jaw puller, or use a tie rod separator tool to
break the taper fit between the tie rod end and
the hub assembly. See Figure 4.28.
NOTE: Tie rod separator tool (aka: pickle fork)
tends to tear the rubber boot that protects the
joint within the tie rod end. For this reason it is
not recommended to use the tie rod separator
tool unless the tie rod is to be replaced.
CAUTION: Do not strike the hub assembly to
loosen the taper fit. The hub assembly will
deform, and may fail in use.
Figure 4.26
Tie rod
Jam nut
Tie rod end
Hub ass’y
Match mark
Figure 4.27
Figure 4.28
Tie rod end
Two-jaw puller
Nut (on stud)