Chapter 2- drive system: cvt and transfer case – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual

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Chapter 2- Drive System: CVT and Transfer Case


4c. The driving elements are tuned to get the

best vehicle performance out of each
model engine, taking into account: engine
power band and top speed, vehicle
weight, maximized vehicle pulling power,
maximized vehicle acceleration, and a 25
MPH (40 KPH) maximum speed.



5a. At rest (engine OFF or at low idle) the

sheaves of the driving element (on the
engine crankshaft) are at the widest point
of their travel. The belt rests on a central
bearing surface, but no significant power
is transmitted to the driven element at idle
speed. See Figure 2.2.

5b. At about 1,400 RPM, the sheaves move

closer to each-other. As they do, they
touch the sides of the belt and begin to
transmit power. See Figure 2.3.

The sheaves are moved by fly-weights within the
driving element housing. Centrifugal force
drives the fly-weights out. The fly-weights are
levered against the sheave, forcing it inward.

5c. As the engine RPMs increase, the

sheaves close further, forcing the belt out-
ward on the sheaves. See Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.2

Low idle speed
Driving element released

Figure 2.3

Low RPM:
Driving element
beginning to engage belt
Belt deep in sheave

Figure 2.4

Moderate engine speed
Driving pulley partially closed-down
Belt partially shifted-out