Front differential – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual
Page 108

Chapter 3 - Drive System: Drive Shafts and Differentials
NOTE: The front differential will not be repaired
in the field. If there is damage to it, it will be
replaced as a complete unit.
The following section of this chapter is intended
to increase the technician’s understanding of
how the front differential works. Greater under-
standing will help eliminate mis-diagnosis of dif-
ferential-related service issues .
Disassembly of the differential is not meant to
imply that the technician should disassemble the
NOTE: Disassembly of the front differential used
in the Cub Cadet 4X4 Utility vehicle will void the
NOTE: There are no service parts available
through Cub Cadet for the front differential used
on the 4X4 Utility Vehicle
After draining, the case can be separated by
removing the perimeter screws.
See Figure 3.39.
NOTE: A square section O-ring fits on a lip on
the left side housing sealing surface. No other
sealant is necessary between the two housings.
A plate that is faced with bearing material rides
against the back side of the ring gear, near the
contact point with the pinion. See Figure 3.40.
A small adjustable pin in the left (small) side of
the housing presses against the plate.
See Figure 3.41.
Figure 3.39
O-ring seal
Figure 3.40
Contact plate
Back-side of
ring gear
Figure 3.41
Pinion mesh
adjustment pin