Chapter 6 - hydraulic brakes – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual
Page 180

Chapter 6 - Hydraulic Brakes
To bleed under pedal-pressure:
See Figure 6.9.
7a. Have an assistant apply firm pressure to
the brake pedal. It may be necessary to
pump-up pressure, but the pedal applica-
tion should be steady for bleeding.
7b. Loosen the bleed screw, watching for
bubbles or contaminants in the stream of
fluid that passes through the clear tube.
The pedal will go down as fluid comes
7c. Tighten the bleed screw before the assis-
tant lifts their foot from the pedal.
7d. Repeat as necessary until the fluid runs
Repeat the bleeding process on the driver’s side
brake caliper to complete bleeding the circuit.
Repeat the bleeding process on the remaining
circuit to complete bleeding the system.
Check the pedal for firmness after bleeding.
If the system is full and properly bled, yet the
pedal is spongy, find and repair the problem
before operating the vehicle.
NOTE: Though not shown in the Illustrated Parts
List, brake caliper bleed screws are available as
service parts under the part number: 759-04127.
NOTE: If it is suspected that air is trapped in the
master cylinder it may be necessary to bleed the
master cylinder.
The procedure for bleeding at the master cylin-
der closely follows the procedure use to bleed
the individual wheels. Instead of loosening the
bleeder screws at each caliper the Banjo bolts at
the base of the master cylinder are loosened to
allow the air trapped to escape.
See Figure 6.10.
If the pedal is firm:
13a. Attach the wheels, tightening the lug nuts
to a torque of 75 ft-lbs. (102N-m).
13b. Lower the vehicle to the ground.
13c. Test the operation of the brake system in a
safe area that is free of hazards, obsta-
cles, and by-standers before returning it to
Figure 6.9
Figure 6.10
Banjo fittings
Banjo bolts
Tighten banjo bolts to 20-22 ft-lbs