Chapter 8 - caterpillar engine and related systems – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual

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Chapter 8 - Caterpillar Engine and Related Systems


8m. Wipe-up any spilled fuel. Dispose of any

waste fuel in a safe, legal, and environ-
mentally responsible manner.

8n. Turn the key to the run position, but do not

start the engine. The electric fuel pump
will fill the new cartridge with fuel.

NOTE: As it primes the system, the pump will
make some unusual clattering and surging
noises. This is normal when the system con-
tains air, and the noise should stop within 30

8o. Confirm that no unsafe conditions will

result from starting the engine. Start the
engine and watch for any low pressure
fuel leaks from the filter assembly. The
engine should run normally with no miss-
ing or surging.

NOTE: The fuel system will effectively self-
prime. Once the engine is started there is no
reason to open the bleed screw.

Other maintenance items


The crankcase breather valve is mounted on
top of the valve cover/intake manifold assembly.
It should be serviced every 2,000 hrs. of use.

1a. Clean thoroughly around the breather


NOTE: The breather is at the junction of the
lubrication system and the air intake system.
Any dirt introduced here will be very destructive.

1b. Remove the four screws that hold the

breather to the valve cover/intake mani-
fold using a 7mm wrench. Remove the
breather cover.

1c. Remove the diaphragm and plate from the

breather cover. The diaphragm and plate
assembly is held to the cover by four
hooked tabs. See Figure 8.22.

Figure 8.21

Valve cover


Figure 8.22

Breather cavity:
mesh de-aerator
covers drain-back

Breather Breather
diaphragm cover