Chapter 4 - front suspension and steering – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual

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Chapter 4 - Front Suspension and steering


Things to know about tire pressure:


A large imbalance in air pressure from left to
right on the front tires will put undue strain on the
over-running clutch in the front differential when
operating in four-wheel-drive mode on paved


A large imbalance in air pressure from left to
right on the front tires will cause the steering to
pull in the direction of lower pressure.


A large imbalance in air pressure from front to
rear will effect the lead-lag ratio, placing undue
strain on the drive system when operating in
four-wheel-drive mode on paved surfaces.


Tire pressure can be adjusted within the recom-
mended range of 14-22 psi (.97-1.52 bar.).


Higher tire air pressure is good when:

The vehicle is operated on firm but bumpy ter-

The vehicle is consistently operated with heavy

The vehicle is consistently operated near the
upper end of its speed range.


Lower tire air pressure is good when:

The vehicle is operated on soft ground like mud
or sand, where more traction is required.

The vehicle is used to carry delicate contents
that would benefit from a softer ride.

Tire size and condition.


Tire wear indications:

Because the vehicle is equipped with trail tires,
tire wear will be accelerated if the vehicle is used
heavily on paved surfaces.

Front tread blocks that appear “smeared” out-
ward on the font surface of the tire indicate a
toe-in condition.

Front tread blocks that appear “smeared” inward
on the front surface of the tire indicate a toe-out

Tread blocks that are worn unevenly in a “scal-
loped” pattern indicate worn ball joints, worn
steering components, or a worn dampers.

Because of the round-shouldered design of the
trail tires, camber angle issues may not be
noticeable from tire wear patterns.

The more the vehicle is used on paved surfaces,
the more pronounced the wear patterns will be.


Tire size: See Figure 4.2.

Original Equipment is:
Carlisle brand
AT489 model direction-specific trail tire
Front: 26x10.00-12 size
Rear: 26x11.00-12 size
Other tires may be used in future production.

Do not use mis-matched tires.

When viewed from the top front, the tread blocks
should sweep outward and rearward from the
center of the tread.

Figure 4.2