Fuel system: description – Cub Cadet 4 x 4 Volunteer User Manual
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Chapter 8 - Caterpillar Engine and Related Systems
CAUTION: Diesel fuel is extremely flammable.
Use common sense when working around the
fuel system:
Do not work on any part of the fuel system or fill
the vehicle with fuel while the engine is running
or hot.
Store fuel only in approved and identifiable con-
tainers (red for gasoline, blue for kerosene, yel-
low for diesel fuel) in well ventilated area.
Keep fuel away from any sparks, open flame or
other sources of potential ignition.
Clean any spilled fuel immediately, and ventilate
the area thoroughly to prevent the accumulation
of fumes. Keep sources of ignition away from
the spilled fuel and its vapors.
Dispose of stale fuel and any fuel-soaked mate-
rial in a safe, environmentally responsible man-
The fuel tank is mounted beneath the passen-
ger’s seat. It has a capacity of 7 gallons (26.5L).
The filler cap is non-vented. See Figure 8.93.
CAUTION: The fuel caps for gasoline and diesel
versions of this vehicle use the same neck size
and thread. The fuel caps are distinctly labeled.
Though they are mechanically interchangeable,
it is strongly recommended not to switch fuel
caps between the gas and diesel engines. This
may lead to mis-fueling.
Figure 8.93
“Diesel Fuel Only”
fuel cap
Diesel engine
Fuel line:
3a. The fuel line leads from a fitting atop the
fuel tank to the fuel filter. See Figure 8.94.
Refer to the fuel filter maintenance section of
this chapter for maintenance instructions.
The Caterpillar fuel pump is mounted under the
console support bracket. See Figure 8.95.
The fuel pump draws fuel through the fuel filter
and passes it on to the injector pump.
Typically, these pumps produce about 3psi (.2
Bar) of dead-head pressure.
Typical flow volume is roughly 1qt. (.95L) per
minute with no back pressure.
The pump will typically make a clattering noise
until fully primed. Once primed, the noise is
Figure 8.94
To lift pump
From fuel tank
Figure 8.95
(lift pump)
Fuel filter