Viewing event details reports – HP StoreEver ESL G3 Tape Libraries User Manual

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To return to the non-history event that appeared initially, click Initial Event.

Viewing Event Details Reports

The library creates a key report for each issue that occurs. As updates to the issue occur, the library
creates subordinate reports that it associates with the key report. Typically, you should examine the
key report because it represents the earliest time at which the event reached its highest severity level.
It often isolates the most significant problem.

To display all report information that is associated with an event, click the Report tab on the Event
Details dialog box. See

Using System Status Buttons to Display Event Lists


By default, the Report # area displays report details for either the key report or, if subordinate reports
exist, the most recent subordinate report.

Table 37

the elements on the Report tab:

HP Enterprise Systems Library (ESL) G3 Tape Library