Working with verification tests – HP StoreEver ESL G3 Tape Libraries User Manual
Page 160
Select Calibrate.
Click Start.
During the calibration teach process, the picker moves to the home position, which is X-Y coordin-
ate position 0,0. Then, for each rack of each module, the picker moves to a magazine at the top
and one at the bottom and stores those positions in coordinates relative to the 0,0 position. Teach
results appear in the Results area when the process completes. If the calibration teach process
completes successfully, the Teach dialog box might close automatically.
Use the Physical Library command on the Setup menu to disable or enable automatic inventory
after a calibration teach.
Working with Verification Tests
A collection of verification tests are available to assist you or a customer service engineer (CSE) in
determining whether the library is properly installed, configured, and operational. Running the tests
is an important part of ensuring that the system is working correctly. See
Because resolving an issue often involves complex technical procedures, such as removing and
replacing FRUs, and because verification tests often require preparation and trained interpretation
of results, it is recommended that a CSE perform the tests.
The following types of verification tests are available:
Installation verification tests
Partial system tests
FRU operation tests
Custom tests
The verification tests provide the following:
Fully automated tests
Tests to determine marginality of installation
Detailed problem analysis
Full system tests or individual field replaceable unit (FRU) tests
Logs of installation and configuration tests
Graphical reports showing passed, marginal, and failed results
Maintaining the library