Quick shot routine – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.0 User Manual
Page 91
[> X,Y View] / [> X,Z View] (Map card): Changes the orientation of the current view.
Quick Shot routine
Opens when you start the software, or when you press the STAR key from anywhere in the application.
This includes the following:
No Job mode
Job mode
Quick Shot Settings
Shell to external mode
No Job mode
On starting Survey Pro On board, the No Job Mode screen appears. You can:
Take measurements, but not store points.
Change instrument settings.
Allow for the setting of circle.
HA: Horizontal angle.
ZA: Vertical angle.
SD (or HD/VD): Bold for current shot for 3 seconds to show the shot is new; then normal to show the data is old.
Note: SD ( or HD/VD ) from a shot initiated by the MSR2 key is prefaced with “*”.
The icons on the screen are used as follow:
Circle: Select one of the following:
Circle 0: The horizontal angle is set to 0. You are prompted to accept.
Circle Az: You are prompted for the new horizontal angle reading. The instrument is set to this reading.
Turn to: Appears if the instrument supports motorized turning. There are two options:
Flip: Change the face of the instrument.
Search: Appears if the instrument supports auto lock. There are three options:
Search: Find a prism and lock onto it.
LockNGo: Lock onto a prism and follow it.
Stop: Stop tracking prism.
Laser Pointer/Tracklight: Toggle between using the laser pointer or tracklight.
Lock: Toggle the prism lock state.
Close: Tap to exit the application.
Survey Pro Help 5.00