Set rover receiver gnss resection / backsight, Gnss resection / backsight – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.0 User Manual
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Connect to Rover
The Connect to Rover screen is used to select a rover receiver to connect to. The display of the receivers to select list
is identical to the
screen. Below the list of receivers, the modem type and correction format are
displayed for radio modems. The Network and server type are displayed for internet modems.
[Connect>]: Connects to the selected receiver and advanced to the
Set Rover Receiver
The Set Rover Receiver screen is used to enter the rover receiver antenna and setup the rover receiver hardware.
Rover Receiver: Displays information about the status of the receiver.
Antenna Type: Select the antenna type to use.
[Setup]: Tap to change the antenna for the base receiver. See
Measure To: Specify the location on the antenna or receiver where the antenna height should be measured to.
Measured: Enter the distance from the ground to the Measured To location.
Post Processing Recording Interval: Sets the period for logging GNSS raw data for RTK + post processing. Set it to
Off to disable post processing data collection.
[Finish]: Tap to open the
screen. You can finish on this screen if the coordinate system and any
required calibration are already solved.
[Next >]: Tap to advance to the
screen if a calibration solution is required before data
collection can begin.
GNSS Resection / Backsight
The GNSS Resection / Backsight screen is used to collect control points required to setup and solve the coordinate
system before you can collect data with valid local coordinates.
GNSS Resection
This screen is called GNSS Resection when you have set the base on a new point. The number of control points
required to solve the calibration is displayed.
[Occupy Control >]: Opens the
screen. When you have occupied enough control to solve the
calibration, the
Check GNSS Resection/Backsight
screen opens.
[Start Now]: Solves a temporary calibration, which allows you to collect data before the calibration is fully solved,
then opens the
screen. You must collect the required number of control at some point in order to get
valid local coordinates for your GNSS data collected points.
GNSS Backsight
This screen is called GNSS Backsight when you have set the base on an existing point. The number of control points
required to solve the calibration is displayed.
[Occupy Control >]: Opens the
screen. When you have occupied enough control to solve the
calibration, the
Check GNSS Resection/Backsight
screen opens.
Use base as vertical benchmark: Check this box if the base is set up on a job point with an accurate elevation to
include it for vertical control during calibration.
[Start Now]: Solves a temporary calibration, which allows you to collect data before the calibration is fully solved,
then opens the
screen. You must collect the required number of control at some point in order to get
valid local coordinates for your GNSS data collected points.
Survey Pro Help 5.00