Straight grade – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.0 User Manual
Page 201
buttons and then re-computed with the Layout button.
Current station: is the station that will be solved for with the Layout button.
Elevation: is the known elevation for the location(s) on the parabolic curve where you want to compute the station(s).
[Solve]: computes the details of the vertical curve.
[Sta -]: decreases the Current station by the Interval.
[Sta +]: increases the Current station by the Interval.
[Layout]: computes either the elevation at the specified Current station or the station(s) at the specified Elevation.
PVC sta.: is the station at the PVC.
PVI sta.: is the station at the PVI.
PVT sta.: is the station at the PVT.
Elev.: is the elevation for the respective point.
Hi/Lo sta.: is the station where the vertical curve has a tangent equal to zero (the crest of the curve).
Straight Grade
[Curve] [Straight Grade]
The Straight Grade screen will solve for the elevation at a specified station or a station at a specified elevation on a
straight grade.
Begin Station: is the station where the straight grade begins.
Begin Elev: is the elevation at the Begin station.
Grade: is the percent slope.
Solve for: is where you select to solve for an Elevation or a Station. The choice made here determines which of the
following selections are available.
End station: is the station where you want to compute the elevation.
Interval: When checked, the End station can be incremented by the specified interval by using the [Station-] and
[Station+] buttons and then re-computed with the [Layout] button.
End Elevation: is the elevation at the point where you want to compute the station.
[Layout]: performs the computation and displays the results.
Station: is the current station.
Survey Pro Help 5.00