Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.0 User Manual
Page 157
The Stake Out Point (Store/Tape) screen allows you to store a point at a specified offset from the stake point, resulting
in a point that is either closer to, or further away from the total station.
Point: is the name assigned to the new offset point.
Description: is the description assigned to the new offset point.
Tape Out/Tape In: is the specified offset from the stake point. A positive value will result in a new point that is
further away from the total station. The default value is the appropriate distance correction to the design point.
: stores the new offset point.
Stake Spiral and Offset
[Stakeout] [Spiral and Offset]
The Stake Spiral and Offset screen allows you to stake stations at fixed intervals on a spiral curve, or at an offset to
Start Point: is the point associated with the beginning of the spiral curve. This can either be the TS or the CS, which
is specified later in this screen (see below).
[Tangent Azm] | [Tangent Bearing]: defines the tangent azimuth or bearing at the entrance to the spiral.
[Radius] | [Degree Arc] | [Degree Chord]: defines the radius, degree arc, or degree chord of the curve, respectively.
Length: is the length of the spiral curve.
Begin Station: is the station associated with the Start Point.
Turn: defines if the curve turns toward the Left or Right from the point of view of the Start Point.
Spiral: defines the direction of the spiral curve by the following options:
TS to SC: the spiral begins at the tangent (Tangent to Spiral) and ends at the circular curve (Spiral to Curve).
CS to ST: the spiral begins at the circular curve (Curve to Spiral) and ends at the tangent (Spiral to Tangent).
Stake Spiral and Offset - Screen 2
Station to Stake: is the desired station on the spiral curve that you want to stake.
Station Interval: is the value that is added to the Station to Stake after the [Next Sta] button is pressed.
[Next Sta]: advances the Station to Stake by the Station Interval.
Offset: is the horizontal distance of the offset from the spiral curve. The offset occurs on the left (while viewing the
spiral from the Start Point) when the L is selected or on the right when R is selected.
Note: An offset of zero would result in the spiral curve itself being staked.
[V. Offset]: will result in the elevations for the design points to be adjusted by the value entered here and will change
Survey Pro Help 5.00