Surface area triangle solutions – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.0 User Manual

Page 185

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The Compute Area routine computes the area of a flat horizontal plane encompassed by a selected boundary.

[Tap Line…]: allows you to tap an existing polyline defining a boundary from a map view.

[To/From…]: provides selection of individual points to define a boundary.

[Solve]: will compute the details for the horizontal area of the selected boundary and display them in the Results


Area: is the area that the boundary encloses. If the boundary is not closed, the area is computed as if a line joined the
two ends.

Length: is the length of the selected boundary.

Perimeter: is the length of the selected boundary, plus any additional length between the two ends of an open

Surface Area

[Cogo] [Surface Area]

The Surface Area routine computes the surface area of a best-fit flat plane within a selected boundary positioned at
any incline. You can also optionally compute a volume when a thickness of the surface is provided.

Note: Boundaries containing curves are not supported.

[Tap Line…]: allows you to tap an existing polyline from a map view that defines the boundary of the surface.

[To/From…]: provides selection of individual points to define the boundary of the surface. The points must be
selected in sequence around the boundary so no side of the boundary crosses another.

[Solve]: computes the area details within the selected boundary and displays them in the Results screen.


Surface Area: is the area of the best-fit plane encompassed by the selected boundary. If the boundary is not closed,
the area is computed as if a straight line joined the two ends.

Thickness: is the thickness entered on the previous screen used for calculating a volume.

Volume: is the computed volume (area of plane x thickness).

Perimeter: is the perimeter length of the selected boundary, plus any additional length between the two ends of an
open boundary.

Angle of Plane: is the angle from the horizontal ground to the best-fit plane.

Residuals: Shows how well each point in the boundary fit within the computed best-fit plane. (A value of zero
represents a perfect fit.)

Survey Pro Help 5.00